Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0303-0307)?
Weekly Report · 3d ago
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0224-0228)?
Weekly Report · 03/03 09:56
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0217-0221)?
Weekly Report · 02/24 09:56
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0210-0214)?
Weekly Report · 02/17 09:55
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0203-0207)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0127-0131)?
Weekly Report · 02/03 09:54
RM2 International promotes Wayne Cochran as CEO
Seeking Alpha · 01/27 21:08
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0120-0124)?
Weekly Report · 01/27 09:55
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0113-0117)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (0106-0110)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1230-0103)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1223-1227)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1216-1220)?
Weekly Report · 12/23/2024 09:56
Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1209-1213)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1202-1206)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1125-1129)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1118-1122)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1111-1115)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1104-1108)?
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Weekly Report: what happened at RMTO last week (1028-1101)?
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About RMTO
RM2 International, Inc. is a sustainable smart pallet innovator, specializing in pallet development, supply and management. The Company is seeking to establish a presence in global pallet supply and improve the supply chain of manufacturing and distribution businesses through electronic tracking and management of smart composite pallets. It deploys the RM2 ELIoT pallets primarily in a per trip leasing model principally in North America to clients who value robust and sanitary pallets. It leases BLOCKPal pallets with embedded IoT sensors to capture location, temperature, shock and tilt, and movement. Its IoT sensor data is transmitted to the cloud via the long-term evolution-machine (LTE-M) network, making visible the pallet’s location and condition both indoors and in transit without requiring any additional hardware or information technology (IT) development. The Company’s RM2 ELIoT is a cloud-based supply chain intelligence platform. It issues more than 1.5 million pallets annually.