Sachem Capital Corp. Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

Press release · 05/11 00:58
Sachem Capital Corp. Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

Sachem Capital Corp. Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

Sachem Capital Corp. has filed its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, reporting its financial results. The company’s financial statements, including balance sheets, statements of comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows, are unaudited. Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations, as well as quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk, are also included in the report.

Company Overview

We are a real estate finance company that specializes in short-term loans secured by mortgages on real estate. We have been publicly traded since 2017. As a real estate investment trust (REIT), we distribute at least 90% of our taxable income annually to shareholders.

First Quarter Performance and Outlook

Metric Q1 2024 Change from Q1 2023
Revenue $17.2 million Increase of 17.0%
Net Income $3.6 million Decrease of 13.0%
Earnings Per Share $0.08 Decrease of $0.02
  • Revenue increased due to higher interest rates charged on loans
  • Net income decreased due to higher operating expenses, especially provision for potential loan losses
  • Interest expenses expected to keep rising in 2024 as debt is refinanced at higher rates
  • Optimistic about loan demand and profitability amid real estate market turmoil

Challenges Ahead

  • Rising interest rates increase borrowing costs
  • Geopolitical conflicts cause market volatility and cybersecurity risks
  • Growing competition from non-bank lenders funded by private capital
  • Declining commercial real estate values could compromise loan collateral
  • Higher expenses from debt load and upcoming debt maturities
  • $95.5 million of construction loans have future funding obligations

Response to Challenges

  • Maintain prudent leverage ratio of 60% debt / 40% equity
  • Increased loan yields to 12.7%, up from 11.69% last year
  • Public company status provides access to capital
  • Various credit facilities provide liquidity ($200 million from Churchill)
  • Shift to larger commercial loans with experienced sponsors

Financing Overview

Our strategy is to use debt financing to grow the loan portfolio while protecting shareholder returns. We have an investment-grade debt rating but no specific leverage limit.

At March 31, 2024, total debt outstanding was $377.6 million. We have various facilities providing financing:

  • $200 million Churchill facility at 9.4% rate
  • $27.3 million Wells Fargo margin loan facility
  • $65 million Needham Bank credit facility at 8.25% rate
  • $288.4 million of publicly traded 5-year unsecured notes at 6-8% rates

We expect to maintain a debt-to-equity ratio around 6040. We aim to reduce borrowing costs and satisfy the REIT requirement to distribute 90% of taxable income.

First Quarter Financial Summary

Item Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Change
Total Revenue $17.2 million $14.7 million +17.0%
Total Expenses $12.5 million $9.6 million +30.7%
Net Income $3.6 million $4.2 million -13.0%
  • Revenue increased due to higher interest rates on loans
  • Expenses rose largely due to $1.3 million provision for potential loan losses
  • Other factors: higher interest costs, tax expenses, general/administrative costs

Liquidity and Capital Resources

We have sufficient capital resources from cash flows and financing activities to fund operations and meet investing needs over the next 12 months.

  • Cash increased by $5.8 million in Q1 to $18.4 million
  • Two debt tranches maturing in 2024 will likely be refinanced
  • REIT requirements mandate distributing 90% of taxable income

We intend to pay sustainable quarterly dividends to shareholders while pursuing loan portfolio growth. We will fund long-term needs through unused financing proceeds, operating cash flow, and proceeds from real estate sales.