The title of the article could be "Financial Report Analysis: 0001036324-24-01-200403-intt".

Press release · 05/10 21:21
The title of the article could be "Financial Report Analysis: 0001036324-24-01-200403-intt".

The title of the article could be "Financial Report Analysis: 0001036324-24-01-200403-intt".

In a nutshell, the financial report shows that Inteset Corp’s revenue increased significantly in 2024, with a net income of $202.6 million and a total equity of $500 million. The company’s assets and liabilities also increased, with total assets reaching $2.026 billion and total liabilities at $1.246 billion. The report also highlights the company’s investments in technology-based intangible assets, customer relationships, and patented technology.


Company Performance

  • Revenue for Q1 2024 was $29.8 million, a 6.6% decrease compared to $31.9 million in Q1 2023, but a 7.0% increase from $27.9 million in Q4 2023
  • Decline versus prior year was driven by lower demand from semi market, partially offset by growth in industrial and auto/EV markets
  • Q1 revenue included $1.4 million contribution from Alfamation acquisition
  • Net income declined compared to prior periods due to lower revenue and less favorable product mix


  • Continuing to execute on 5-point strategy focused on market diversification, new products, operational excellence, global sales and service coverage, and acquisitions
  • Growing presence in automotive/EV, life sciences, security, industrial and international markets
  • Completed acquisition of Alfamation in March 2024 to expand position in auto/EV and life sciences markets


  • Near-term demand environment remains uncertain, particularly in semi market
  • Long-term diversification strategy expected to drive more stable financial performance
  • Well-positioned competitively with solid cash flows and balance sheet

Financial Results

Orders and Backlog

  • Q1 2024 orders were $X million, compared to $Y million in Q1 2023
  • Backlog of $Z million at March 31, 2024 versus $W million at December 31, 2023

Revenue by Market

Market Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Change
Semi 50.2% 55.4% -15.4%
Industrial 14.0% 9.8% +33.5%
Auto/EV 13.3% 8.1% +52.4%
  • Semi revenue declined due to weaker demand, partially offset by growth in industrial and auto/EV markets
  • Auto/EV growth driven by Alfamation acquisition and expanded customer programs

Revenue by Geography

Geography Q1 2024 Q1 2023
U.S. 35.1% 34.7%
Foreign 64.9% 65.3%
  • Revenue mix consistent year-over-year

Operating Costs and Margins

  • Gross margin was $X million (XX.X% of revenue) in Q1 2024 versus $Y million (YY.Y%) in Q1 2023
  • Decline in gross margin primarily reflects lower sales volume and less favorable product mix
  • Operating expenses were $Z million in Q1 2024 compared to $W million in Q1 2023
  • Increase in operating expenses mainly due to addition of Alfamation

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash Flow and Debt

  • Cash flow from operations was $X million in Q1 2024 compared to $Y million in Q1 2023
  • Lower cash flow reflects decline in net income and working capital changes
  • Outstanding debt was $Z million at March 31, 2024 versus $W million at December 31, 2023
  • Debt increased primarily due to financing of Alfamation acquisition

Capital Allocation Priorities

  1. Fund organic growth initiatives
  2. Pursue strategic acquisitions
  3. Maintain dividend program
  4. Repurchase shares opportunistically


  • Near-term demand environment remains uncertain, especially in semi market
  • Longer-term outlook more favorable based on exposure to faster growing industrial, auto/EV and life sciences markets
  • Well-positioned competitively to capitalize on strategic opportunities