The title of the article could be "AEMETIS, Inc. Q1 2024 Financial Results and Business Update".

Press release · 05/10 20:42
The title of the article could be "AEMETIS, Inc. Q1 2024 Financial Results and Business Update".

The title of the article could be "AEMETIS, Inc. Q1 2024 Financial Results and Business Update".

In a nutshell, Aemetis, Inc. reported a net income of $4.38 million for Q1 2024, with total assets of $85.5 million and total liabilities of $41.6 million. The company’s revenue increased by 14% compared to Q1 2023, driven by higher sales of renewable natural gas and biodiesel. Aemetis also announced plans to expand its production capacity and invest in new projects.


Aemetis is a renewable fuels company focused on producing low carbon fuels to replace fossil-based products. The company has three main business segments:

  • California Ethanol - Converts corn into ethanol, animal feed, CO2, and other products at their plant in Keyes, CA. Many efficiency projects underway to lower carbon intensity.

  • California Dairy Renewable Natural Gas - Captures biogas from dairy farms, transports it via pipeline, and converts it into renewable natural gas to sell. Currently 8 digesters operating, with 6 more under construction.

  • India Biodiesel - Large biodiesel production plant in India that uses vegetable oils and animal fats as feedstock. Also produces refined glycerin.

Aemetis has several additional projects under development, including:

  • Sustainable Aviation Fuel / Renewable Diesel Plant - Planned 90 million gallon per year plant in Riverbank, CA. Received permits in 2023-2024.

  • Carbon Capture & Sequestration - Developing projects to capture and sequester CO2. Purchased land for injection well in Riverbank.

  • Research Facility - Evaluating technologies to produce low carbon biofuels and chemicals in Minneapolis, MN.

Results of Operations

Segment Q1 2024 Revenue Q1 2023 Revenue Change
California Ethanol $36.1 million $0.5 million +7,497%
California Dairy RNG $3.8 million $0.2 million +1,741%
India Biodiesel $32.8 million $1.5 million +2,128%

Large increases in revenue driven by:

  • Ethanol plant operating for full Q1 2024 after maintenance in Q1 2023
  • More RNG production and new revenue from D3/LCFS credits
  • India biodiesel sales with new oil company contracts

Q1 2024 profitability mixed across segments:

  • California Ethanol losses from low ethanol prices and high corn prices
  • California Dairy RNG increased profitability from more production
  • India Biodiesel improved profit with higher sales and lower feedstock prices

Liquidity and Capital Resources

  • Ending cash balance of $1.6 million as of March 31, 2024
  • Significant debt load across various facilities - $307 million in current & long-term debt
  • Debt facilities mature in 2025-2026 - need to refinance or cooperate with senior lenders
  • Additional borrowing capacity available on some debt facilities

Company has negative working capital and relies on lenders. Strategies to improve:

  • Operate plants efficiently, reduce costs via new technologies
  • Build more dairy digesters and expand pipeline to increase RNG production
  • Contracts with oil companies and plant upgrades to support India biodiesel
  • Continue development of Riverbank SAF/RD plant
  • Seek mix of debt, equity, grants to fund growth opportunities

Critical Accounting Policies

Most critical policies and estimates are consistent with previous year:

  • Revenue recognition
  • Recoverability of long-lived assets
  • Series A Preferred unit liability
  • Debt modification and extinguishment accounting

No changes that materially impacted Q1 2024 financial reporting.

Off Balance Sheet Arrangements

No off-balance sheet arrangements as of March 31, 2024.