Orrestown Financial Services, Inc. Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2024

Press release · 05/10 19:10
Orrestown Financial Services, Inc. Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2024

Orrestown Financial Services, Inc. Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2024

Orrostown Financial Services, Inc. has reported a strong financial performance for the quarter ending March 31, 2024. The company has filed all required reports under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. The company is classified as a smaller reporting company and has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with new or revised financial accounting standards. The number of shares outstanding for the company’s common stock is 10,720,699 as of May 7, 2024.

Financial Highlights

The company reported net income of $8.5 million for the first quarter of 2024, a decrease from $9.2 million in the first quarter of 2023. Earnings per share were $0.81, down from $0.87 in the year-ago quarter. Excluding merger-related expenses, net income would have been $9.2 million and earnings per share $0.88.

Revenue Performance

Net Interest Income

  • Net interest income increased to $26.9 million from $26.3 million in the first quarter of 2023.
  • This was driven by a $7.5 million increase in interest income on loans to $36.2 million.
  • Higher market interest rates and competitive pressures drove a $7.8 million increase in interest expense to $15.8 million.

Noninterest Income

  • Noninterest income rose 9.1% to $6.6 million, primarily due to higher wealth management fees and swap fee income.

Expense Management

  • Noninterest expenses increased 10.9% to $22.5 million.
  • Salaries and benefits rose 12.8%, reflecting merit-based and incentive compensation increases.
  • The company incurred $672 thousand in merger-related expenses.

Loan Portfolio

  • Total loans increased to $2.3 billion, up $4.8 million or 0.2% from year-end 2023.
  • Growth was driven by residential mortgage loan originations.
  • Commercial loans decreased by $2.3 million or 0.6%.
Loan Segment Balance ($,000s)
Commercial Real Estate 1,312,582
Commercial & Industrial 365,524
Residential Mortgage 465,680
Other Consumer 159,287
Total 2,303,073

Asset Quality

  • Nonperforming assets declined 49.5% to $12.9 million or 0.56% of total loans.
  • The allowance for credit losses increased to $29.2 million, representing 1.27% of total loans.
  • Net recoveries were $42 thousand compared to $34 thousand a year ago.

Funding and Liquidity

  • Total deposits grew 5.3% to $2.7 billion.
  • Noninterest-bearing deposits decreased 4.7% to $417.5 million.
  • Time deposits increased 18.2% to $428.4 million.
  • Borrowings decreased 16.4% to $147.1 million.

Capital Position

  • Shareholders’ equity rose to $271.7 million.
  • The total capital ratio was 12.87% compared to the regulatory requirement of 8.0%.
  • Tangible book value per share grew to $23.47.

The company remains well-capitalized and profitable. While the economic climate brings uncertainty, underlying business momentum is positive. The company is focused on managing risk while continuing to meet client needs.