Ponce Financial Group, Inc. Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024

Press release · 05/10 14:32
Ponce Financial Group, Inc. Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024

Ponce Financial Group, Inc. Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024

Ponce Financial Group, Inc. reported a quarterly net loss of $1.2 million on revenue of $1.3 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The company had 23,811,732 shares of common stock outstanding. The financial report highlights the company’s financial condition, operations, cash flows, and stockholders’ equity, as well as legal proceedings, risk factors, and other information.

Overview of Ponce Financial’s Performance

Ponce Financial Group is the holding company for Ponce Bank, which operates as a community bank serving low and moderate income communities. Overall, Ponce Financial showed improved financial performance in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023:

  • Net income was $2.4 million in Q1 2024, up significantly from $0.3 million in Q1 2023.
  • Earnings per share was $0.11 in Q1 2024 versus $0.01 in Q1 2023.
  • The increase in net income was driven by higher net interest income, partially offset by higher non-interest expense and income taxes.

Revenue Analysis

Interest Income and Net Interest Margin

  • Total interest income rose 50.5% to $39.7 million in Q1 2024, primarily reflecting large increases in interest earned on loans and securities.
  • Net interest margin declined slightly to 2.71% in Q1 2024 from 2.75% in Q1 2023, as growth in interest income was outpaced by even faster growth in interest expense.
Category Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Change
Total Interest Income $39.7 million $26.4 million +50.5%
Net Interest Margin 2.71% 2.75% -4 basis points

Non-Interest Income

  • Non-interest income decreased 6.2% to $1.7 million in Q1 2024.
  • The decrease was mainly due to lower late and prepayment charges, partially offset by higher income from mortgage loans.
Category Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Change
Non-Interest Income $1.7 million $1.8 million -6.2%

Expense Analysis

  • Non-interest expense rose 3.6% year-over-year to $17.0 million in Q1 2024.
  • The increase was largely due to higher compensation, direct loan expenses and professional fees.
Category Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Change
Non-Interest Expense $17.0 million $16.4 million +3.6%

Loan and Deposit Growth

  • Total loans grew 4.2% from December 2023 to $2.0 billion at March 2024, reflecting particular strength in construction lending.
  • Total deposits were up 5.2% to $1.59 billion at March 2024 compared to December 2023.
Category March 2024 December 2023 Change
Total Loans $2.0 billion $1.9 billion +4.2%
Total Deposits $1.59 billion $1.51 billion +5.2%

Credit Quality

  • Ponce has exposure to higher risk microloans originated through fintech partnerships, but has established robust controls and allowance levels.
  • Excluding fintech loans, overall portfolio credit metrics remain strong based on conservative underwriting.

Capital and Liquidity

  • Ponce Financial maintains a strong capital position, with ratios well above regulatory minimums for well capitalized status.
  • Liquidity also remains ample based on available borrowing capacity.

Key Initiatives

Ponce Financial is executing on Vision 2025 to enhance its presence in low and moderate income communities through:

  • Digital transformation and fintech partnerships
  • Expanded products, including small business lending
  • Growth in new markets outside of New York

The recent $225 million capital investment from the U.S. Treasury will support Ponce’s community development mission.

Overall, Ponce Financial showed improved profitability in Q1 2024 while maintaining a solid financial foundation. Key areas to monitor will be net interest margin trends and credit performance of newer lending initiatives.