Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

Press release · 05/08 21:14
Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund Quarterly Report for the Period Ended March 31, 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund reported a net asset value of $34.50 per share, a decrease of 1.2% from the previous quarter. The fund experienced a decrease in average assets under management, which was primarily due to outflows from investors. The fund’s net expense ratio increased slightly due to higher administrative expenses. The fund’s investment objective is to provide a return that is inversely related to the performance of the US Dollar Index.

Company Overview

The Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund is an exchange-traded fund that aims to track the Deutsche Bank Short USD Currency Portfolio Index. The Fund takes short positions in currency futures contracts linked to the US dollar in order to profit from a decline in the dollar’s value relative to other major currencies.

Fund Performance Overview

In the first quarter of 2024, the Fund’s share price fell 2.39% on a market value basis. This reflected a positive performance for the US dollar, which led to losses for the Fund.

In the first quarter of 2023, the Fund’s share price rose 1.51% on a market value basis. This reflected weakness in the US dollar, which benefited the Fund’s short positioning.

Revenue and Profit Analysis

The Fund aims to generate returns from two main sources:

  1. Gains/losses from its currency futures trading strategy
  2. Interest income from its cash and Treasury bill holdings

In Q1 2024, the Fund had a net loss of $0.43 per share. This consisted of:

  • Losses of $0.64 per share from currency futures trading as the dollar strengthened
  • $0.21 per share of net investment income from Treasury bill holdings

Balance Sheet Analysis

The Fund has high liquidity, with the majority of assets held in cash, Treasury bills and money market funds. This provides collateral for the Fund’s futures trading strategy.

As of March 31, 2024, the Fund had total net assets of $XXX million.

Future Outlook

The future performance of the Fund will depend on trends in the US dollar. If the dollar continues to show resilience and defy expectations for rate cuts, it could lead to further losses for the Fund.

However, if economic weakness overseas boosts the relative appeal of US assets, contributing to dollar weakness, the Fund’s short positioning could generate strong positive returns.

The Fund aims to provide traders and investors with a simple way to access a bearish US dollar futures trading strategy. It may continue to see fluctuating performance in line with currency market volatility.