1. The Industry Heatmap can increase your market analysis efficiency.
2. Viewing various industries can help you select stocks.
3. Gain a better understanding of market movements.
Analyzing the market is a necessary task for those who want to place trades. Investors can obtain market information and individual stock data to conduct their own analysis before making a trading decision. Knowing how to utilize trading tools can help you stay one step ahead. Webull provides several trading tools to help you complete your analysis, such as various stock and options ranking lists, market watch, and more. Here, we will introduce another trading tool: the Industry Heatmap.
You’ll find the Industry Heatmap under the United States tab on the Market page. The Heatmap expresses market-wide data trends, activity levels, and even sentiment through shapes, areas, and colors. The size of the area indicates the market cap, and the shade of the color indicates the change of the rise or fall. The larger the market cap, the larger the area of the sector; the larger the surge, the redder the corresponding color.
For example, look at the Heatmap below. You can see that the software & IT services sector is the largest and has a dark red color. So, it indicates that the sector with the biggest market cap and price drop is also bigger than other sectors. This intuitive tool can give you more information in less time.
When you tap “View all” to view details, you can see the top gainer stocks in every industry. You can also sort the list by clicking on the “% Change”.
A big price move can attract attention. The more people who watch, the higher the demand potential. For example, if investors notice a stock increasing or decreasing rapidly in price within five minutes, some interesting news may have recently been released. Whether the news is good or bad, always do your own due diligence before investing in any company, as there is no way to guarantee profit, and every investment comes with risk.
Industry moves typically reflect market activity. Perceiving market changes can help you respond in a timely manner, which is important for every investor.
An Industry Heatmap is a good way to analyze the market. A highly efficient way of analyzing the market is worth learning for all investors.
All companies or symbols provided are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation or advice