Predict Stock Sentiment on Webull

Find a place to see other investors' sentiment predictions.

To analyze a stock, you might make a trade decision by using technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and more. While these can be useful, they might not be easy to understand for most investors and can require a lot of learning. However, viewing others' prediction sentiments can be an easy and intuitive way to join in on stock analysis. Webull now provides a tool to see other investors' sentiment predictions. Check out the lesson to learn more! 

Stock Sentiment for Investors

Stock Sentiment Prediction is displaced under the "Feeds" tab on the stock details page.

Disclaimer: All companies or symbols provided are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation or advice.

An investor can select a bearish or bullish sentiment for a specific stock before the market closes. From the picture, you can see that 75.89% of investors think the stock will go up, so they selected the "Bullish" sentiment.

What Can Prediction Sentiments Tell You?

  • Market Sentiment

Generally, market sentiment can affect stock prices. By viewing the prediction's sentiment ranking, you can learn investors' opinions on the stock. To some extent, this can be a telling sign of market sentiment as a whole. So, if you’re bullish on the stock, and the bullish percentage is higher than bearish, it means most investors think the stock price will go up, and they might place a trade. Therefore, the stock price might go up due to increased demand.

  • Build Trading Confidence

Before trading, some investors will do some research and analysis to support their trade decision. For example, if you think the stock will go up based on your analysis, but you are not sure whether to trade the stock or not, seeing others' sentiments might help you build trading confidence before making a final decision. If the bullish percentage is higher than the bearish percentage, this means that other investors share your sentiment.

Things to Know Before Participating

  • The stock sentiment results are only for reference and based on users opinions.
  • You can only participate in the prediction once per trading day. You can change your mind any time before market close.
  • Your prediction will be evaluated by comparing the latest closing price with the previous one. You will gain one point if your prediction is correct.

How Do You Predict Stock Sentiment?

  • Select the sentiment you predict, either bullish or bearish.
  • Check the stock’s prediction history. You can see the daily predictions as well as the 5-day, 1-month, and 3-month prediction records.
  • See your success rate and participation times, and those of other investors.

Disclaimer: All companies or symbols provided are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation or advice.

The Bottom Line

Stock prediction allows you to participate in stock analysis and check out the sentiments of other investors for a specific stock. What's your sentiment prediction? Participate on the Webull mobile app today!

Disclaimer: Stock Sentiment reflects user opinions as to future price movements of a partic ar security. it does not represent the opinion of Webull, nor should it be viewed as an indication that Webull either agrees with or confirms the truthfulness or accuracy of any opinion therein. It should not be considered investment advice from Webull or anyone else, nor should it form the basis of any investment decision.

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