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Downloading Your Transaction History

You have the capability to download your order history into a .csv file. This feature is available on both the Webull mobile app and desktop platform. This file includes a record of all your orders, such as filled, partially filled, pending, working, cancelled, and failed orders.

How do I get a copy of my order records?

To download your order records, please use the following instructions for both the Webull mobile app and desktop platform:


  1. Tap the Webull logo (bottom center).
  2. Once an account is selected, tap History.
  3. Select Export Orders (download icon located top right).
  4. Confirm delivering email and tap Submit.


  1. Navigate to Account.
  2. Within the Orders widget, click Settings (three horitzontal lines top right).
  3. Select Export Orders.
  4. Confirm delivery email and click Ok.

Once you have submitted your request, a .csv file will be attached to an email from within 5-10 minutes.

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