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Available Market Data

At Webull, we provide a range of market data to help you make informed investment decisions. Here’s an overview of the market data available on our platform.

Real-time streaming

We offer real-time streaming market data through various pricing subscriptions to enhance your trading experience.

Global availability and country-specific restrictions

Availability of products and services may vary by country and is subject to specific regional restrictions.

Tailored pricing for market data users

We offer different pricing structures for Non-Professional and Professional Subscribers.

Available market data packages

Market quotes

Description of data provided

For what users
Subscription fee
Level 1 (NASDAQ Basic)
Provides real-time transaction, order book (best bid & offer) provided by NASDAQ for all stocks and ETFs listed in the United States.

Default for users.
All users
Level 2 (NASDAQ TotalView)
Realtime best 50 Bids & Offers on NASDAQ, NYSE, and regional listed securities, NOII, and Time and Sales.
All users
For non-entity account (Non-professional & Professional users): $2.99/month

For entity account: $108.99/month
National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO)
Provides real-time transaction and order book (best bid & offer) information of 16 U.S. exchanges and FINRA TRF for all stocks and ETFs listed in the United States.
All users
For non-professional users: $9.99/month

For professional users: $131.99/month
National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) per query data
Provides most recent transaction and order book (best bid & offer) information of 16 U.S. exchanges and FINRA TRF for all stocks and ETFs listed in the United States.
All users
OPRA Real-Time DataProvides real-time transaction and order book (best bid & offer) information from OPRA for all options under the stocks, ETFs and indices listed in the United states.
All users
OTC Market Level 1
Provides real-time transaction and order book (best bid & offer) information for all stocks and ETFs traded in the OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink.
Only for non-professional users
HKEx Level 2
Provides real-time transaction and order book (best 10 bid & offer) information for all stocks, ETFs and indices listed in Hong Kong.
All users
$60.99/month OR $599.99/year

Cboe Global Indices Feed

The Cboe Global Indices Feed (CGIF) is a market data service offered by Cboe Global Markets. This service provides real-time index values for over 400 products. If you have not claimed CGIF real-time quotes, your quotes on indexes will be delayed by 10 minutes. For help navigating our mobile app, please see the in-app instruction below:


  1. Menu
  2. Below Shortcuts, select Market Quotes.
  3. Under CGIF Index, choose Claim.
  4. Completed the required prompts and Submit.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to CGIF Data on our Cboe landing page.

Market by Order and MPID

Market by Order

Market by Order (MBO) provides detailed bid and ask data on the Nasdaq order book for all US exchange-listed securities. Available to subscribers of Level 2 Advance (Nasdaq TotalView), MBO shows the full depth of orders, helping you track order flows and liquidity. You can view market participant information (MPID) for bid and ask orders, indicating which exchange provides liquidity.

Market Participant Identifier

MPID, or Market Participant Identifier, is a 4-character alpha code used to report trades. Clearing Firms report INSITE data by MPID. You can view valid MPIDs published by FINRA for more information.

Lipper Fund Data

Webull has partnered with Refinitiv to provide mutual fund data powered by Lipper. Lipper, a leading provider of independent fund content and analytics for over 40 years, is instrumental in benchmarking fund performance, managing risk, conducting due diligence, and helping investors find suitable investments.

Lipper Rating

The Lipper Rating evaluates a fund's performance across five key metrics:

  • Total Return
  • Consistent Return
  • Preservation
  • Expense
  • Tax Efficiency

Each fund is rated based on the equal-weighted average of percentile ranks for these metrics:

5: Top 20% of funds

4: Next 20%

3: Middle 20%

2: Next 20%

1: Lowest 20%

The final Lipper rating is an average of the ratings for the five metrics.

How to read Time & Sales

If you use the default settings of green for Up and red for Down, it will appear as follows:

  • Green: Traded at the Ask Price 

  • Red: Traded at the Bid Price 

  • Black/White: Traded between the Bid and Ask Price
  • Highlighted Green : Traded above the Ask Price 

  • Highlighted Red : Traded below the Bid Price

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