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How do I fill in outgoing account number?

Webull Omnibus

The outgoing account number is the account number of the brokerage account from which you are transferring assets. One common reason for transfer rejections is providing an incorrect delivering account number. To avoid this issue and improve the chances of a successful transfer, follow these steps:

  1. Review a copy of your trade confirmations or monthly statements from your outgoing brokerage firm.
  2. Confirm the outgoing account number listed on these documents.


If your account number appears as below on your statement:


The account number should be written as: WEB5NB12345. Do not include hyphens.

Common Account Number Formats:

  • Robinhood: 9 characters, all numeric (e.g., 123456789)
  • TD Ameritrade: 9 characters, all numeric (e.g., 123456789)
  • Fidelity Investments: 9 characters, typically starting with a letter (X, Y, or Z), followed by eight numbers (e.g., Z12345678)
  • Charles Schwab: 8 characters, all numeric (e.g., 12345678)
  • Merrill Edge: 8 characters, alphanumeric (e.g., 1X145678)
  • Vanguard: 8 characters, all numeric (e.g., 12345678)
  • Stash: 8 characters, alphanumeric (e.g., 6ZS12345)
  • J.P. Morgan Clearing Corp: 8 characters, all numeric (e.g., 12345678)
  • DriveWealth LLC: 17 characters, alphanumeric (e.g., CASH-001-CAJD011294)

Note: This article includes sample broker statements for illustration purposes only, which may contain logos that are the property of each broker.

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