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Downside Breakout


A Downside Breakout is considered a bearish signal, marking a breakout from a trading range to start a new downtrend.


A Downside Breakout occurs when prices break out through the bottom of a trading range and descend quickly as a new downtrend forms. It appears that the market is being flooded with sell orders. There are usually gaps throughout this activity. This pattern can last for a few days to a few weeks.


Criteria that Support

  • Duration of Trading Range

The duration of the trading range for which the breakout occurred can provide an indication of the strength of the breakout. The longer the duration of the trading range the more significant the breakout.

  • Narrowness of Trading Range

The "narrowness" of the trading range can also be used to gauge the breakout. To determine the narrowness of the trading range, compare the upper boundary with the lower boundary of the trading range. If the trading range has a small difference between the upper and lower boundary (making it narrow) then the breakout is considered stronger and more reliable.

  • Support and Resistance

Look for a region of support or resistance. A region of price consolidation or a strong Support and Resistance Line at or around the target price is a strong indicator that the price will move to that point.

  • Moving Average Trend

Look at the direction of the Moving Average Trend. For short duration patterns use a 50 day Moving Average, for longer patterns use a 200 day Moving Average. The Moving Average should change direction during the duration of the pattern and should head in the direction indicated by the pattern.

  • Volume

A strong volume spike on the day of the pattern confirmation is a strong indicator in support of the potential for this pattern. The volume spike should be significantly above the average of the volume for the duration of the pattern. In addition, the volume during the duration of the pattern should be declining on average.

Criteria that Refute

  • Duration of Trading Range

The duration of the trading range for which the breakout occurred can provide an indication of the strength of the breakout. The shorter the duration of the trading range the less significant the breakout.

  • Narrowness of Trading Range

The "narrowness" of the trading range can also be used to gauge the breakout. To determine the narrowness of the trading range, compare the upper boundary with the lower boundary of the trading range. If the trading range has a large difference between the upper and lower boundary (making it wide) then the breakout is considered weaker and less reliable.

  • No Volume Spike on Confirmation

The lack of a volume spike on the day of the pattern confirmation is an indication that this pattern may not be reliable. In addition, if the volume has remained constant, or was increasing, over the duration of the pattern, then this pattern should be considered less reliable.

  • Moving Average Trend

Look at the direction of the Moving Average Trend. For short duration patterns use a 50 day Moving Average, for longer patterns use a 200 day Moving Average. A Moving Average that is trending in the opposite direction to that indicated by the pattern is an indication that this pattern is less reliable.


To learn more, click here to view Technical Signal Overview


Data disclaimer: Technical analysis data and indicators are provided by Trading Central. Trading Central is a separate entity, unaffiliated with Webull Financial. Webull is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of data provided by Trading Central. All data are provided for informational purposes only, and are not intended, and should not be construed, as investment advice or recommendations.

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